Tuesday, July 17, 2012

G+M 10 years!

G and I have been married just a week shy of 10 years. We were babies when we got married. BABIES! We have 3 wonderful kids and we love being young parents. This man puts up with a lot and is the most wonderful husband a girl could ask for. He never teases me for having so many dreams and interests and loves me for who I am! I also love him and each day I wake up and I am so grateful that I get to be his wife. He and I understand each other so well and have a great marriage. Of course, we have our bumps and bruises along the way, but those bumps have only made us stronger. He makes me laugh on a daily basis and wants to be around me as much as I want to be around him. We sure are lucky to have each other. Yes, that is right, he is lucky to have me too ;)

A few months ago, he told me that we could do a 10 year anniversary photo shoot. He probably thought I would forget, but I am always jumping at any chance to have pictures of us together, so unfortunately for him I did not forget! I have been experimenting with different backgrounds and natural lighting for indoor shoots and it has gone pretty well so far. Here are a few shots from our shoot. I love this man!

Love you babe. Happy Anniversary!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

S & J

Another one of my little sisters is getting married this September! We went up to pine valley to take their engagements and it has become my new favorite location! It was so beautiful up there! I thinkI may have to take our family pictures up there next time :) Here are some of my favorite pictures from the shoot!